Erta-Ale, Danakil Depression, Afdera, Lake Asale and more...

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The eastern part of Ethiopia is one of the best destination in the country and some are unique in the world.

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The Sun scorches the cracked earth, a wavering mirage confuses the eye, and dry air and dust suck the moisture from your mouth and eyes.

Ethiopia's Danakil Depression is one of the hottest, driest and lowest places on the planet.

9 Days (10 Review)


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Erta-Ale volcano is a large basaltic shield volcano in the Erta Ale volcanic range in the central northern Danakil depression (NE Ethiopia).

It is famed for its persistent lava lake which has been active during most of the past decades since it was first discovered in the 1960.

7 Days (10 Review)


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You’ll admire the camel caravans bringing the salt from Ahmedale to cities in the Tigray and nearby regions;

And viceversa camels having sold their products coming back to AhmedAle & Dalol.

5 Days (7 Review)


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